关于 连接我的未来

杰克逊的大学 and 密歇根工作! 东南大学联合起来,为符合条件的参与者提供精选的全球网络赌博平台课程,费用很少,甚至是免费的.

未来的学生可以在12个月或更短的时间内完成大学证书, putting them on the road to career opportunities and a brighter future. 那些没有高中文凭的人有资格获得扩展服务,帮助他们在攻读大学学位或证书的同时获得高中同等学历证书.


  • Electric Vehicle Jobs Academy 全球网络赌博平台

    Electric Vehicle Jobs Academy

    密歇根州在建立 Electric Vehicle Jobs Academy (EV就业学院)开发高等教育认证和学位课程,以满足行业需求,并为密歇根州居民带来高技能和高工资的就业机会.

    电动汽车就业学院旨在为密歇根人提供学费援助和支持服务, 包括通过注册学徒制获得“边学边赚”的机会, to support and streamline on-ramps to high-wage, 受欢迎的职业.

    杰克逊的大学 that qualify for funding

    学生可以通过密歇根工程获得以下全球网络赌博平台的资助! 东南. Please fill out the form on this page for additional information.

  • 符合条件的全球网络赌博平台

    A Sample of 全球网络赌博平台 Available to You

    Adult Education/High School Completion

    永远不会太迟! 让我们帮助你完成高中毕业证书,同时开始你的大学课程.

    Computer Support Specialist

    Gain this Certificate in as little as 5 months! 学习如何向依赖信息技术的个人和组织提供技术援助和支持.


    Gain this Certificate in as little as 12 months! Learn to maintain order within jails or prisons, supervise activities of inmates, 囚犯行为报告, help in rehabilitation or counseling of offenders.


    Gain this Certificate in as little as 12 months! 学会通过促进内容参与和在线分享的平台与公众沟通.


    Gain this Industry Credential in as little as 4 months! 学习如何在危机时刻为病人提供医疗护理,并获得必要的经验,为国家注册基本EMT认证考试做准备.


    Gain this Certificate in as little as 10 months! 学习如何成为一名多技能的医疗保健从业者,在医疗办公室的业务和临床部分接受培训, 诊所或医院.


    Gain this Industry Credential in as little as 10 months! 学习制造业各部门高技能生产工人的核心技术能力.


    病人护理技术员s play a vital role in patient care, whether you’re working in a hospital, 医生的办公室, 养老院, or long-term care (LTC) facility.




I’m interested in Connect with my Future

如果你有兴趣学习,你可能有资格获得学费援助或额外的财政支持, please click the link below to be directed to the 密歇根工作! 东南网站.

I’m interested in 连接我的未来

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is Connect with My Future designed for?

    Connect with My Future is designed for those who:

    • 目前是否在上课,并且需要学费方面的经济帮助, 书, 费用, 制服, 等.;
    • Have some credits and want to return to college;
    • Are unemployed or recently laid-off and seeking training opportunities;
    • Need to complete a High School Diploma or equivalency and looking to move into a new career; and/or
    • Interested in attending college for the first time.
  • 我可以在完成高中文凭的同时开始我的全球网络赌博平台课程吗?

    你知道你可以在完成高中学业的同时去上大学吗? 密歇根工作! 东南成人教育可能能够协助完成高中学业或同等学历, sometimes called your GED test.

    With the 杰克逊的大学’s Ability to Benefit Program, 通过提供经济援助,没有高中文凭的学生可以上得起大学. 没有高中文凭的学生必须自掏腰包(自付)或使用其他援助资金支付前六个大学学分.* When they successfully complete those six credits, the student is eligible for federal student aid funding. They must remain enrolled in equivalency coursework and college classes.

    *密歇根工作! 东南大学也许能帮你支付前六个学分,所以今天就联系他们!

  • 在密歇根工程学院的全球网络赌博平台资格录取过程中,我应该期待什么! 东南?

    What to expect during the program eligibility intake process:

    • You will complete a full eligibility intake through 密歇根工作! 东南
    • You will complete a 杰克逊的大学 new student application, Free Application for Federal Student 援助, 和方向
    • You will complete assessments to help you find your purpose

    密歇根工作! 东南 and 杰克逊的大学 will assist you every step of the way!

  • Will there be anyone to help me with my college classes?

    是的,密歇根工程! 东南学院和全球网络赌博平台都有帮助你学习大学课程的服务! 以下是为注册“连接我的未来”的个人提供的服务. 


    MWSE成人教育 Remedial 辅导

    MWSE成人教育 will help with computer, 数学, or reading skills to help you be successful in your classes. You will receive free tutoring or instruction from a certified teacher. 


    杰克逊的大学 学生成功中心 辅导 Center

    全球网络赌博平台致力于学生的成功,并在友好和支持的环境中为所有学生提供免费的学术辅导. 我们的目标是提供个性化或团体帮助,帮助你在学业上取得成功. 

    Online tutoring is also available for select classes. 


  • What if I need help paying for things outside of tuition? 

    符合条件的个人可以获得额外的财政支持,以提供特定障碍的帮助, so that you can focus on being successful. 一旦你完成摄入, you will be assigned a case manager at MWSE or navigator at 杰克逊的大学. Make sure you share these concerns with them, they want to help connect you with available resources or services. 

  • Why should I connect with 密歇根工作! 东南?

    MWSE和全球网络赌博平台正在共同努力,将联邦和州的资金来源结合起来, 基于为每个符合条件的客户定制的特定资格标准. In order to see if you may be eligible, intake through MWSE is required, prior to registering for any classes.  

  • What if I’m not sure which program or career would be the best for me?


    Begin exploring careers with PathwayU